Latest Brexit news for anyone looking to buy a home in France

The UK government has finally published its white paper on the relationship it foresees with the EU after Brexit. The Connexion has summarized the key points relating to Britons in the EU both current and future:

The aim of the white paper to achieve an outline of intentions to be attached to . . . → Read More: Latest Brexit news for anyone looking to buy a home in France

France is one of the safest property investments in the world

I find myself in a strange position this week – I am feeling sorry for French estate agents. Having just done a two-day course on French law and ethics as it applies to French property transactions, I realize that I have, in the past, underestimated the huge legal responsibility that estate agents . . . → Read More: France is one of the safest property investments in the world

The Foreigner’s guide to French politics

Known as ‘The Fifth Republic’, the French political system is a mixed presidential/parliamentary system with a President who is head of state, sharing power with a Prime Minister who is the head of government. The French as a nation are very fond of politics so, if you plan to spend any time . . . → Read More: The Foreigner’s guide to French politics

How safe is the house buying process in France?

The more I hear from friends and clients about the trials and tribulations of trying to buy and sell property in the UK and other countries around the world, the more I appreciate how regulated, fair and relatively un-stressful the French system is. In France, a vendor pays for the basic . . . → Read More: How safe is the house buying process in France?