Ownership options for buying a property in France

When you buy a property in France, you need to consider the type of legal ownership structure to choose which will have different inheritance and tax implications longer term. The main structures of ownership in France are:

En Indivision and Communaute Universelle PACS Agreement En Tontine SCI (Société Civile Immobilière) En Viager . . . → Read More: Ownership options for buying a property in France

Yes the internet is a fantastic tool for house hunters – but it is still a very limited tool in France

How the world has changed; thanks to the internet it is now possible to view hundreds of houses for sale in France from the comfort of your desk in Sydney, Johannesburg, London or Singapore as is the case with many of my clients so far this year. It is a fantastically useful . . . → Read More: Yes the internet is a fantastic tool for house hunters – but it is still a very limited tool in France

The best investment you will ever make

Whatever your job and your experience, if you are honest, do you really feel qualified to find and buy a French property without some expert (and unbiased) advice? Even if you speak good French, it is probably unlikely that you have a perfect understanding of how the French property market works. There is, of . . . → Read More: The best investment you will ever make

Would you recognize your perfect house on first viewing? Most people don’t


If you are looking for the perfect house in France, it doesn’t exist. But the property that has the potential to be your perfect house does exist – as long as you get the basics right in your initial search. When I am searching for a house for a client, I . . . → Read More: Would you recognize your perfect house on first viewing? Most people don’t