New Zealand versus the Ariège (not rugby!)

According to a recent article in the New Yorker; in the week following Trump’s election, 13,401 Americans, took the first official step toward New Zealand residency by registering with the country’s immigration authorities, presumably looking for some kind of bolt-hole should it become necessary. I mentioned this to a French friend and . . . → Read More: New Zealand versus the Ariège (not rugby!)

Christmas in the foothills of France

Organic Christmas Tree Farm in the Ariège

What an extraordinary year 2016 has been but probably the less said about all that the better. Right now, here in the foothills, we are enjoying the typical weather of this time of year; sunshine and blue skies, with frosty mornings, warm days . . . → Read More: Christmas in the foothills of France

The climate in the foothills of the Pyrénées

Often when I tell people that we live in the foothills of the Pyrenees, they tend to assume that we are snowbound for much of the winter. Generally they are amazed to discover that, despite the fact that our village is less than 50 kilometres from the nearest ski resort, we actually . . . → Read More: The climate in the foothills of the Pyrénées

New Year, New Horizons

Winter sunshine in the Foothills

Happy 2015 to you all and I hope you were also lucky enough to be able to enjoy your Christmas Day apéritif outside in the sunshine and perhaps go for a snowy walk on Boxing Day followed by some excellent skiing in the days leading up . . . → Read More: New Year, New Horizons