Studying at University in France

One of the many lovely squares in Toulouse

France is consistently ranked as one of the most popular countries in the world for students looking to study abroad and not just in Paris; numerous French cities are home to globally ranked universities, offering foreign students a high-class university experience and an excellent quality . . . → Read More: Studying at University in France

Quality of life and cost of living in France

I have written about this before but we currently have lots of demonstrations happening all over France in protest against the rise in fuel taxes and the cost of living which has made me consider whether life really has got more expensive in the last 15 years that we have been here. . . . → Read More: Quality of life and cost of living in France

Are you a globalist or a nationalist?

If you are reading this, I would guess that you are the probably the former, maybe dreaming of living abroad at some point or at least having a bolthole somewhere other than the country in which you were born. There are plenty of us; in France alone there are approximately 7.8 . . . → Read More: Are you a globalist or a nationalist?

Britons top the list of foreign buyers in France

Following an initial drop off in buyers from the UK immediately following Brexit, there has recently been a surge of new enquiries and purchasers perhaps as a result of the proposal that people who move to Europe before the end of the Brexit transition period in December 2020 will keep their rights . . . → Read More: Britons top the list of foreign buyers in France