Daring to talk French politics

Politics is high on the list of conversation topics here in France following the success of the French far-right National Rally party in the European elections and Macron’s unexpected decision to call legislative elections here in France. There is a real sense in the air that something is very much in the . . . → Read More: Daring to talk French politics

The latest arrivals setting up home in the Occitanie region

The Haute-Garonne and Ariège regions in southwest France are known for their breathtaking landscapes and unspoiled natural environment and have always attracted new arrivals looking for a better quality of life. However, in recent years, the region has also become a popular destination for an even rarer visitor looking to set . . . → Read More: The latest arrivals setting up home in the Occitanie region

French village life

I am very lucky to have had lots of fantastic clients over the last 15 years of running this business, many of whom keep in touch. I love to hear how their life in France has evolved, the work they have done on their house, the adventures they have had, their favourite . . . → Read More: French village life

Reasons to be cheerful in France in 2022

If Covid has taught us anything over the last two years, it is to make the most of the good times. So, if one of your resolutions is to spend more time in France this year, then here are some things you can look forward to:

1. Markets and fresh food culture Buying most . . . → Read More: Reasons to be cheerful in France in 2022