Daring to talk French politics

Politics is high on the list of conversation topics here in France following the success of the French far-right National Rally party in the European elections and Macron’s unexpected decision to call legislative elections here in France. There is a real sense in the air that something is very much in the . . . → Read More: Daring to talk French politics

Britons top the list of foreign buyers in France

Following an initial drop off in buyers from the UK immediately following Brexit, there has recently been a surge of new enquiries and purchasers perhaps as a result of the proposal that people who move to Europe before the end of the Brexit transition period in December 2020 will keep their rights . . . → Read More: Britons top the list of foreign buyers in France

The Foreigner’s guide to French politics

Known as ‘The Fifth Republic’, the French political system is a mixed presidential/parliamentary system with a President who is head of state, sharing power with a Prime Minister who is the head of government. The French as a nation are very fond of politics so, if you plan to spend any time . . . → Read More: The Foreigner’s guide to French politics

Is moving to France really for you?

Have you considered the practicalities?

If this is going to be a permanent move, it means that there are many emotions involved so it is vital to put some of these aside. It is great to have a dream but it needs to be based on reality for your move to work long-term. For . . . → Read More: Is moving to France really for you?