The Post-Covid Home

There is no doubt that Covid19 has caused huge upheaval for all of us in our daily lives and the consequences are already having an impact on our homes. As our priorities have shifted from work to home, we are changing the way we live; our homes have become our protective shell, our comfort bubble where we can slow down and get back to basics.

On property viewings, I have already started to notice these changes and I think this is just the beginning of a shift in how we design our living spaces for the future. So, as we emerge from lockdowns and social distancing, it is interesting to see how we are reinventing and redecorating our homes, moving away from trend-inspired living and open-plan minimalism to increasing comfort and personalisation. Our homes have become like a comfortable pullover, more shabby than chic, somewhere we feel we belong; a respite from the outside world, a place that makes us happy and fortifies us.

A recent article in the Times talks about finding comfort in what matters and that “to be surrounded by colours, fabrics, mementoes and artworks that have deep personal significance is to be silently fortified by everything around you.” It is a way of finding the beauty in the everyday. Most people do not in fact need more, they need less, combined with a rethink of the space they have.

Hence the focus post Covid seems to be to create homes that enable us to be ourselves while also facilitating all of the activities that can make us happy and keep us healthy. Meaning that our houses will increasingly become places that encourage and foster wellbeing, a place of respite, relaxation, and emotional comfort. The idea of home-as-sanctuary will be stronger than ever.

Quite simply, our environment matters; the impact on personal health and wellbeing of our surroundings, especially our homes, has become even more significant post-Covid. Our values have been reset and, long-term we will see this reflected in how we design and use our homes.

If you would like help to find your home in France, please get in touch:

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