Some frequently asked questions about property finders

Here are a few of our most frequently asked questions.

If your query isn’t covered here, please get in touch


Don’t estate agents provide relocation services?

No, estate agents just sell properties and of course they can only recommend properties featured on their database. We are completely independent and . . . → Read More: Some frequently asked questions about property finders

A property buyer’s strategy for 2021

The property market in South West France is currently experiencing huge pent-up demand from buyers combined with a lack of supply of houses for sale. This has mainly been caused by the restrictions and lifestyle changes since the Covid pandemic (leading to a change in criteria for many people looking for property) . . . → Read More: A property buyer’s strategy for 2021

How will the French property market change post Coronavirus?

The property market in France got off to a flying start this year; all the agents were busy, lots of buyers were arranging viewings and new properties had started to appear for sale. That was, however, before the sudden arrival of Covid19 when life ground to a complete halt overnight and the . . . → Read More: How will the French property market change post Coronavirus?

Property advertising – the truth behind the photos

Last year I worked on a photo shoot out here in the Pyrenees – a clothing brand so nothing to do with property; I was simply scouting locations. However it did make me realize that there are many parallels with photos for advertising fashion and photos for advertising property, namely that most . . . → Read More: Property advertising – the truth behind the photos