The Ariège, the Haute Garonne and the southern Gers stretch south and west between Toulouse and the Pyrenees to make up one of the most enticing and enchanting regions in France. This is an area that really does have it all, from rich culture, history, natural wonders, stunning landscapes, mountains, lakes, rivers and valleys, . . . → Read More: Where to live in south-west France
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It is snowing in the ski resorts of the Pyrenees which means that, while much of Europe is facing months of grey cloud and rain, here in the foothills, we are looking forward to the blue skies of winter with snow-covered mountains on the horizon and, of course, skiing and winter sports.
. . . → Read More: Buying ski property in the Pyrenees
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Winter sunshine in the Foothills
Happy 2015 to you all and I hope you were also lucky enough to be able to enjoy your Christmas Day apéritif outside in the sunshine and perhaps go for a snowy walk on Boxing Day followed by some excellent skiing in the days leading up . . . → Read More: New Year, New Horizons
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I am not a golfer (at least not since I gave my father concussion when he was teaching me how to hold a club age 9) but, if I were, this is where I would want to play golf. It may only be a nine hole course but what it lacks in . . . → Read More: Golf in the Pyrénées
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