There are four tiers of school in France, Maternelle (nursery 4-6 years), Primaire (primary 6-11 years), College (secondary 11-15 years), Lycée (sixth form 15-18 years) The majority of children in France go to their local and usually closest primary and secondary school which are state funded and controlled Private education only . . . → Read More: Ten things to know about school in France
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As an immigrant in France since 2003, I know how I would feel if my neighbours here had all voted to leave the EU in order to get rid of us.
I am British but have lived and worked in France for the last 13 years with my husband and four children. . . . → Read More: An Immigrant’s View
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This week I am delighted to have a guest blogger. I know for many of my clients, one of their biggest worries about moving to France is how their children will cope with the upheaval. Well, it is half term here in France and so it seems an appropriate time to hear . . . → Read More: Real life story – growing up in France
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Apparently today is officially the first day of Autumn. Which, in the sunny south west of France, means that, despite the fact that the sun is shining, the sky is blue and Meteo France is forecasting 26 degrees in Saint Girons for this afternoon, everyone here is now wearing winter coats and winter boots. . . . → Read More: Eccentric British Behaviour
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