Reasons to be cheerful in France in 2022

If Covid has taught us anything over the last two years, it is to make the most of the good times. So, if one of your resolutions is to spend more time in France this year, then here are some things you can look forward to:

1. Markets and fresh food culture Buying most . . . → Read More: Reasons to be cheerful in France in 2022

France to further strengthen ban on single-use plastics

The French government has announced plans to ban the use of plastic packaging for most fruit and vegetables from January 2022. This follows on from laws which came into effect from January 1st this year banning single-use plastic plates, cups, cotton buds, plastic straws, and cutlery.

The new plastic packaging ban will . . . → Read More: France to further strengthen ban on single-use plastics

How to create an energy efficient home in France

With the price of gas and electricity going through the roof, most people are looking at ways to make their home more energy efficient. Tempting as it is to replace everything with alternative energy sources, if you live in an old, stone house like many of us here in France, then generally . . . → Read More: How to create an energy efficient home in France

Toulouse is Top of the Polls

Place St Georges, Toulouse

I was lucky enough to be in central Toulouse last week. Toulouse is one of those places that I like more and more each time I visit perhaps because it takes time to get to know but maybe also because it has changed almost beyond recognition in the last . . . → Read More: Toulouse is Top of the Polls