La Rentrée in the Foothills

September in France means La Rentrée (the only equivalent we have in English is back-to-school) but in France La Rentrée is not just for school children; it is for every French person getting back into work after the summer holidays. Even if not everyone has managed to take the whole of August . . . → Read More: La Rentrée in the Foothills

Latest news on French house prices and mortgage rates

As in many countries around the world, French mortgage rates are starting to rise. During 2022, mortgage interest rates rose from the 50-year low of 1.05% in December 2021 to 2.5% in December 2022. Currently it is still possible to find a mortgage offer at 2.95% fixed rate over 20 years but . . . → Read More: Latest news on French house prices and mortgage rates

France is the most popular expat destination for the British

The latest HSBC Expat Explorer Report 2019 has just been published. It was carried out in 163 countries and shows that France has become the most popular expat destination for the British. It also shows that it was twice as popular this year as last, presumably down to the Brexit effect. The . . . → Read More: France is the most popular expat destination for the British

Buying ski property in the Pyrenees

It is snowing in the ski resorts of the Pyrenees which means that, while much of Europe is facing months of grey cloud and rain, here in the foothills, we are looking forward to the blue skies of winter with snow-covered mountains on the horizon and, of course, skiing and winter sports.

. . . → Read More: Buying ski property in the Pyrenees