How will the French property market change post Coronavirus?

The property market in France got off to a flying start this year; all the agents were busy, lots of buyers were arranging viewings and new properties had started to appear for sale. That was, however, before the sudden arrival of Covid19 when life ground to a complete halt overnight and the . . . → Read More: How will the French property market change post Coronavirus?

Buying a house privately in France

Buying a house privately and avoiding steep estate agent’s fees of 5-10% might seem like a good idea and and an appealing route to take but, if you are house hunting in France, it pays to understand the French property market first and to know the region. In France, 30% of people . . . → Read More: Buying a house privately in France

Latest Brexit news for anyone looking to buy a home in France

The UK government has finally published its white paper on the relationship it foresees with the EU after Brexit. The Connexion has summarized the key points relating to Britons in the EU both current and future:

The aim of the white paper to achieve an outline of intentions to be attached to . . . → Read More: Latest Brexit news for anyone looking to buy a home in France

Finding the perfect house in France

All of us set out to find our dream house when we start our property search in France; the perfect French home, ‘the one’. We probably have a picture in our head of what this will look like and what features it will have; the gorgeous view, the blue shutters, the wooden . . . → Read More: Finding the perfect house in France