Further education in France

We have just had La Rentrée here in France, a very important time of year, possibly more so than the new calendar year. La Rentrée is the return of students to school and university as well as the return of the general population to work after the summer holidays. It thus heralds lots of . . . → Read More: Further education in France

Made in France

I recently watched a horrifying documentary on the clothes and fashion industry (The True Cost, Netflix) which should be obligatory watching for us all. Like many people in this part of France in terms of what we eat, I try to be very careful about buying locally grown, seasonal produce mainly from . . . → Read More: Made in France

Home exchange; more benefits of owning a house in France

Living like a Parisian for a week

Owning a house in France means that you can sometimes feel as if you are unintentionally running a hotel and restaurant, especially if said house happens to have a pool, a sunny climate and interesting activities on offer in the vicinity. Many of . . . → Read More: Home exchange; more benefits of owning a house in France

The Midi-Pyrénées ranks as the best place to live in France

When planning to buy a house in France, whether for holidays or to live permanently, there is no doubt that one of the most important criteria is the quality of life in the region combined with the style and affordability of the houses, the climate, the people and, of course, the food . . . → Read More: The Midi-Pyrénées ranks as the best place to live in France